
DentiTrac ®

Wear it. Trac it. ® DentiTrac ®dent

The patent-pending DentTrac® is a miniature micro-recorder designed to measure patient treatment compliance using Braebons TM extensice world-leading experience in sensors and recorders.






Compliance measurement has been used in sleep therapy CPAP devices for years with numerous benefits.

Now, DentiTrac® extends this capability into traditional oral appliance therapy.




Accuracy without compromise!

dentitrMeasuring a wide range of metrics, from temperature to three dimensional rotation, enables sophisticated algorithms to determine accurate wearing times. This power comes without compromising the micro-recorder’s long lifespan.


Drop In. Date Out.      base station

With the DentiTrac® base station and a web-enabled PC, compliance data is easily extracted from the micro-recorder and sent to the cloud.






Functional Orthotic Design can supply DentiTrac® base station and micro-chips for insert in Orthodontic appliances only.

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Should you need any more information regarding our appliances, please call our friendly staff today (07) 5580 9355

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